Beings and Doings is an international conference taking place on the 24th – 25th June 2016, hosted by the Philosophy Department of University College London. Click for programme and location details (or scroll down.)

Attendance is free and open to all.

An A3 poster for the conference is available here.

The conference is being organised in accordance with the BPA/SWIP Good Practice Scheme.

We thank the Mind Associationthe Analysis Trust, the Aristotelian Society and the UCL Philosophy Department for their generous support.

Alex & Alec

Friday 24th June
09:30 Lucy O’Brien (UCL)
Actions are Relations Between Agents and… What?
11:00 Coffee etc.
11:30 Maria Alvarez (KCL)
Acting as Causing Change
13:00 Lunch (not provided)
14:30 Matthew Boyle (Harvard)
Knowledge as Subject and Agential Knowledge
16:00 Coffee etc.
16:30 Jennifer Hornsby (Birkbeck)
On “the Metaphysics of Action”
18:00 Drinks reception – 19 Gordon Square, WC1H 0AW
19:00 Day ends
Saturday 25th June
09:30 Rory Madden (UCL)
The Metaphysics of Agents
11:00 Coffee etc.
11:30 Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig)
Necessary Activity
13:00 Lunch (not provided)
14:30 Anton Ford (Chicago)
The Representation of Action
16:00 Coffee etc.
16:30 Helen Steward (Leeds)
Bradley’s Regress and a Problem in Action Theory
18:00 Conference ends
G6 Lecture Theatre, Institute of Archaeology
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London, WC1H 0PY